The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has assigned the codes for naming countries and their subdivisions. Various types of ISO Standards are available such as ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-3. ISO 3166-1 is divided into 3 sets of country codes: ISO 3166-1 alpha2, ISO 3166-2 alpha3, ISO 3166-3 numeric.
Unique ISO Codes are assigned to the Countries and according to the ISO 3166/MA Codes are assigned on the basis of the native names of the country such as old names of the countries. It is derived from Country Name and the keywords such as Federal, Kindom, Democractic, United or Republic are discard from the Country Codes as they use the native names of the countries. For Example:
United Kingdom uses the 2 digit Alpha Code "GB" rather than UK
Germany uses the 2 digit Alpha Code "DE" rather than GM
United Arab Emirates uses the 2 digit Alpha Code "AE" rather than UAE
Country Name | 3 Digit Alpha Code | 2 Digit Alpha Code | Numeric Code |
Azerbaijan | AZE | AZ | 031 |
AZ-BA Bakı Baku |
AZ-GA Gəncə Ganja |
AZ-LA Lənkəran Lankaran |
AZ-MI Mingəçevir Mingachevir |
AZ-NA Naftalan Naftalan |
AZ-NV Naxçıvan Nakhchivan |
AZ-SA Şəki Shaki |
AZ-SR Şirvan Shirvan |
AZ-SM Sumqayıt Sumqayıt |
AZ-XA Xankəndi Stepanakert |
AZ-YE Yevlax Yevlakh |
AZ-ABS Abşeron Absheron |
AZ-AGC Ağcabədi Aghjabadi |
AZ-AGM Ağdam Agdam |
AZ-AGS Ağdaş Agdash |
AZ-AGA Ağstafa Agstafa |
AZ-AGU Ağsu Agsu |
AZ-AST Astara Astara |
AZ-BAB Babək Babek |
AZ-BAL Balakən Balakan |
AZ-BAR Bərdə Barda |
AZ-BEY Beyləqan Beylagan |
AZ-BIL Biləsuvar Bilasuvar |
AZ-CAB Cəbrayıl Jabrayil |
AZ-CAL Cəlilabad Jalilabad |
AZ-CUL Culfa Julfa |
AZ-DAS Daşkəsən Dashkasan |
AZ-FUZ Füzuli Fuzuli |
AZ-GAD Gədəbəy Gadabay |
AZ-GOR Goranboy Goranboy |
AZ-GOY Göyçay Goychay |
AZ-GYG Göygöl Goygol |
AZ-HAC Hacıqabul Hajigabul |
AZ-IMI İmişli Imishli |
AZ-ISM İsmayıllı Ismailli |
AZ-KAL Kəlbəcər Kalbajar |
AZ-KAN Kǝngǝrli Kangarli |
AZ-KUR Kürdəmir Kurdamir |
AZ-LAC Laçın Lachin |
AZ-LAN Lənkəran Lankaran |
AZ-LER Lerik Lerik |
AZ-MAS Masallı Masally |
AZ-NEF Neftçala Neftchala |
AZ-OGU Oğuz Oghuz |
AZ-ORD Ordubad Ordubad |
AZ-QAB Qəbələ Qbala |
AZ-QAX Qax Qakh |
AZ-QAZ Qazax Qazakh |
AZ-QOB Qobustan Gobustan |
AZ-QBA Quba Quba |
AZ-QBI Qubadlı Qubadlı |
AZ-QUS Qusar Qusar |
AZ-SAT Saatlı Saatly |
AZ-SAB Sabirabad Sabirabad |
AZ-SBN Şabran Shabran |
AZ-SAD Sədərək Sadarak |
AZ-SAH Şahbuz Shahbuz |
AZ-SAK Şəki Shaki |
AZ-SAL Salyan Salyan |
AZ-SMI Şamaxı Shamakhi |
AZ-SKR Şəmkir Shamkir |
AZ-SMX Samux Samukh |
AZ-SAR Şərur Sharur |
AZ-SIY Siyəzən Siazan |
AZ-SUS Şuşa Shusha |
AZ-TAR Tərtər Tartar |
AZ-TOV Tovuz Tovuz |
AZ-UCA Ucar Ujar |
AZ-XAC Xaçmaz Khachmaz |
AZ-XIZ Xızı Khizi |
AZ-XCI Xocalı Khojaly |
AZ-XVD Xocavənd Khojavend |
AZ-YAR Yardımlı Yardymli |
AZ-YEV Yevlax Yevlakh |
AZ-ZAN Zəngilan Zangilan |
AZ-ZAQ Zaqatala Zaqatala |
AZ-ZAR Zərdab Zardab |
AZ-NX Naxçıvan Nakhchivan |
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