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About Country Wise Codes

Country Wise Codes is World Directory which provides World Airports, IATA Codes, University Codes and Locations, sea ports and locations, Zip Codes and Locations, Currency Codes, Bank Codes, Swift Codes, NSC Codes, NCC Codes, BSB codes, BLZ sort Codes, USA Canada routing Numbers, India IFSC, MICR codes, UK banks sort codes, Swiss BC numbers, World Maps and Flags. Every Country in the World has some specific codes for Airports, Banks, Companies, Shipping Ports, ISO Codes, Dialing Codes, Language Codes, Zip Codes, Educational Institution Codes, through which we can identify the different organization or workplace or government Agencies which are responsible for carrying out processes of different nations like Businesses, Trade, Travel, Education and Communications. These Country Wise Codes are created by Government Agencies and are unique for different countries, these are the alphanumeric or numeric geographical codes which represent countries and regions. These codes are constructed with some rules by International Standards Organization which are applicable to that place or come into effect with the specialization of that particular region.

What Country Wise Codes provides?

1: Banking Codes

We provide Bank Codes for all countries in the World, you can search the bank information before transactions.

(a) Swift codes for banks worldwide
(b) Routing Numbers and Transit Numbers for banks in United States and Canada
(c) Sort codes for banks in United Kingdom
(d) Sort codes (BLZ) for banks in Germany
(e) BSB numbers for banks in Australia
(f) IFSC, MICR, BSR codes for banks in India
(g) BC numbers for banks in Switzerland
(h) CAB codes for banks in Italy
(i) NCC codes for banks in New Zealand
(j) NSC codes for banks in Ireland
(k) Sort codes for banks in Hong Kong and South Africa
(l) Nuban Codes for banks in Brazil
(m) Egiro Codes for banks in Egypt

We also provide IBAN Validator - validation service for IBAN bank account numbers.

We also provide Currency Converter - displaying the best currency rates and you can compare the currencies with current rates.

For professional financial services here is a list of some giants: (a) Wise
(c) Deutsche Bundesbank
(d) Federal Reserve Banks
(e) Payments Canada
(f) Australian Payments Network

2: Airport Codes

We provide Airport Codes of the World such as IATA Codes, ICAO Codes and FAA Codes issued by Flight Organizations.

3: Sea Port Codes

We provide Sea Port Codes for all Sea Ports of world and other trade informations.

4: University/College Codes

We provide list of University/Colleges of the different countries of world and their contacts, locations, courses, scholarships and official websites.

5: Dialing/Calling Codes

We provide Dialing/Calling Codes Internationally as well as nationally for all countries of the world.

6: Currency Codes

We provide Currency Codes for all countries and currency converter to faciliate monetory transactions.

7: ISO Codes

We provide ISO codes for all countries of the world.

8: Language Codes

We provide language codes of the parts of world and how to start communication with the people living in different countries.

9: Zip Codes

We provide Zip codes for all countries in the World, these Zip codes are compiled from GeoNames and other free sources.

10: Distance Calculator

We Distance Calculator for all countries in the World, it serves us with Internationl distance between countries and national distance in km and miles within the places of same country also.

11: Embassy Consulates Offices

We provide list of all Embassy Consulates Offices their contacts, consulate's name, office timing details and Visa information of all countries.

12: Flags and Maps of World

We provide Flags and Maps of all countries of the World

Our team tries their level best to maintain this website and the information up to date. Our main goal is to provide you with these services and keeps validate these codes and keep up to date with financial, location, banking, GK, World Demographics, Travel Info, World Calling Info and other information about the countries in the World.

All the information is provided for free, and we hope that the hard work will continue in collecting, organizing and validation of other useful information for students, travel lovers and financial masters. If you have ideas you can reach us at email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Do you want to transfer money, or receive money Internationally

TransferWise has super smart technology to transfer money Internationally, which will save your money from abroad transactions as compared to the bank transactions in the older days which charge huge hidden charges and take so many days to transfer money into your account. Do hassle free transactions with TransferWise inorder to have complete funds security and mental satisfaction that your funds will reach destination within stipulated time and have a safe delivery to your accounts. Following are the benefits of doing transactions with TransferWise:
1: Low transaction cost, much cheaper than others
2: Easy and fast money transactions.
3: Secure Bank transactions into your foreign bank accounts
4: More than 50 Currencies supported.
5: Wide network of more than 100 Countries.
6: 10 million happy customers around the globe.
7: 5 star rating and near about million reviews on TrustPilot.


Who transfer funds with TransferWise include large array of persons who use the services like:

1: Parents transfer University fees, Schooling fees or other expense funds to their kids abroad.
2: Business parties transfer funds to each other.
3: Persons working abroad transfer funds to their parents, relatives or family.
4: Account to Account transfer from one country to other before moving to that country.
5: Online salaries are transferred to employees by companies.
6: Freelancers work money are transferred.
7: Online Fees for any services like Legal, Visa etc.
8: Transfer your funds to family business accounts.
9: Online charities to NGO's.
10: Investors to invest money in foreign currencies.

Disclaimer: Country Wise Codes is Collection for informational and Educational purposes only, we try to provide accurate information and accepts no liability with respect to its accuracy. Please reconfirm with your bank before transferring funds.