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A language is a system of communication whether verbal or non verbal or by set of sounds or by the written means or by the use of special symbols which are used by the people of particular country or region or of different religous groups or of any divisions.

Languages spoken in Malawi are:-

No. Of LanguagesLanguage Name
Language 1English (Official)
Language 2Chichewa
Language 3Yao
Language 4Tonga

Language Codes of World with their spoken areas

Sources: ISO 639-1 Registration Authority Home | ISO 639-2 Registration Authority Home
Name Of LanguageISO 3 Alphabets CodeISO 2 Alphabets CodeSpoken Areas in the World
AbkhazianabkabAbkhazian (Abkhaz) is a Caucasian language spoken mainly by Abkhaz people in Abkhazia, the breakaway republic that is generally considered to be part of Georgia.
Achinese (Acehnese)aceAchinese (Aceh) is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Aceh province, the northernmost part of Sumatra island in Indonesia.
AcoliachAcoli is spoken by Acholi people in Acholiland in northern Uganda and in Magwe County in southern Sudan.
AdangmeadaAdangme (also Dangme), is a Kwa language spoken in south-eastern Ghana.
Adyghe; AdygeiadyAdyghe is spoken by various tribes of the Adyghe people of Adygea a republic in the Russian Federation.
AfaraaraaAfar (Qafár af) is a Cushitic language spoken by Afar people of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti.
AfrihiliafhAfrihili is a constructed language designed in 1970 by K. A. Kumi Attobrah to be used as a lingua franca in all of Africa.
AfrikaansafrafAfrikaans is an Indo-European language, derived from Dutch spoken mainly in South Africa and Namibia. Afrikaans developed among the Dutch speaking Protestant settlers, and the indentured or slave workforce of the Cape area in southwestern South Africa.
Afro-Asiatic languagesafaAfro-Asiatic languages are a language family with about 375 living languages spoken throughout North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, and Omotic are considered to be Afro-Asiatic languages.
AkkadianakkAkkadian (or Assyrian-Babylonian) is a Semitic language that was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia until the first century CE.
Albanianalb/sqisqAlbanian (Gjuha shqipe) is an Indo-European language spoken primarily in Albania and Kosovo.
AleutaleAleut (Unangam Tunuu) is a language of the Eskimo-Aleut language family spoken by the Aleut (Unangax̂), the indigenous people of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, US, and Kamchatka Krai, Russia.
Algonquian languagesalgAlgonquian languages are a group of Native American languages spoken by Algonquian peoples, one of the most populous and widespread North American Native groups.
AmharicamhamAmharic (amarəñña) is a Semitic language spoken in North Central Ethiopia.
Apache languagesapaApache languages (also Southern Athabaskan) are spoken by various groups of Native American Apache and Navajo peoples in the US.
ArabicaraarArabic (العربية - al-‘arabiyyah) is a Semitic language. Modern Arabic is classified as a macrolanguage with about 30 varieties. Arabic is spoken in the "Arab World" on the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.
AragonesearganAragonese (aragonés) is a Romance language spoken in parts of Aragon, an autonomous community in northeastern Spain.
AramaicarcAramaic is a ancient Semitic language, its dialects were widespread during the period of the Assyrian empire,
AraucanianarnAraucanian (Mapudungun) is spoken by indigenous Mapuche people, inhabitants of central Chile and west central Argentina.
ArawakarwArawak is spoken by some hundred Arawak people in scattered locations across the north of Suriname.
Armenianarm/hyehyArmenian (Hayeren) is an Indo-European language spoken by the Armenian people. It is the official language of the Republic of Armenia.
AssameseasmasAssamese is an Indo-Aryan language that is spoken mainly in the Indian state of Assam.
Asturian; BableastAsturian (Asturianu or Bable) is a Romance language of the West Iberian group, it is spoken by the Asturians in Asturias, a province in the northwest of Spain.
Athapascan languagesathAthapascan languages are the languages of the Athabaskan First Nation, a large group of closely related Native American Indians. Northern Athabaskan languages are spoken throughout the interior of Alaska (US), and the interior of northwestern Canada. Pacific Coastal Athabaskan languages are spoken in the US states of southern Oregon and northern California.
Austronesian (Other)mapA language family prevalent throughout the islands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
AvaricavaavAvaric or Avar language is spoken mainly in the eastern and southern parts of the Caucasus republic of Dagestan, Russia, and in the north-west region of Azerbaijan.
AvestanaveaeAvestan is an Iranian language that was used to compose the sacred texts and hymns of the Avesta, the liturgical core of Zoroastrianism, once the dominant religion of much of Greater Iran.
AwadhiawaAwadhi (अवधी: avadhī) an Indo-Aryan language is spoken predominantly in the Awadh region of Uttar Pradesh, a state of India.
AymaraaymayAymara (Aymar aru) is spoken by the Aymara people, a native ethnic group in the Andes and Altiplano regions of western Bolivia, southern Peru and northern Chile.
AzerbaijaniazeazAzerbaijani (Azərbaycan dili) is a Turkic language closely related to Turkish spoken in southwestern Asia, primarily in Azerbaijan and northwestern Iran.
BalinesebanBalinese is spoken on the island of Bali, as well as in the northern region of Nusa Penida, western Lombok and eastern Java, Indonesia.
BaluchibalBaluchi (Balochi) is spoken by the Baloch an Iranian people living in Balochistan region of Pakistan, in southeast Iran and southern Afghanistan.
Bamileke languagesbaiBamileke is a group of languages spoken by the Bamileke people of the western highlands (West Province) of Cameroon.
BandabadBanda is a family of Ubangian languages spoken by ethnic Banda people in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bantu (Other)bntBantu languages are a group of some 600 languages spoken in the regions of central Africa, east Africa, and southern Africa.
BasabasBasa is a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.
BashkirbakbaBashkir is a Turkic language spoken by the Bashkirs who live mostly in the republic of Bashkortostan in Russia.
Basquebaq/euseuBasque (Euskara) is spoken by one quarter of the Basque people who inhabit the Pyrenees in North-Central Spain and the adjoining region of South-Western France.
Batak (Indonesia)btkBatak is a language group of seven languages spoken by the Batak people in the highlands of North Sumatra, Indonesia.
BejabejBeja is spoken by the Beja nomdas of the southern coast of the Red Sea in parts of Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea.
BelarusianbelbeBelarusian is spoken by Belarusians an East Slavic ethnic group who populate the majority of the Republic of Belarus.
BembabemBemba (Chibemba) is a Bantu language spoken by the Bemba people primarily in Zambia.
BengalibenbnBengali (Bangla) is an Indo-Aryan language, it is spoken in Bangladesh and in parts of the Indian states of West Bengal and Assam.
Berber (Other)berBerber languages are a group of languages spoken by the indigenous Berber people of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.
BhojpuribhoBhojpuri (bhōjapurī) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in parts of north-central and eastern India.
BiharibihbhBihari is spoken in Bihar and neighboring states in India.
BikolbikBikol languages are a group of closely related languages (macrolanguages) spoken particularly on the Bicol Peninsula on the island of Luzon and parts of Catanduanes and Burias Island in the Philippines.
BinibinBini (or Edo) is a Benue-Congo language spoken by the Bini people in Edo State, Nigeria.
BislamabisbiBislama is a English-based creole language spoken in the island state of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean.
Blin; BilinbynBlin; Bilin is a Cushitic language which is spoken in central Eritrea.
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian BokmålnobnbNynorsk (literally "New Norwegian") is one of the two official languages of Norway, the other being Bokmål.
BosnianbosbsBosnian (bosanski jezik) is spoken by Bosniak people, it is the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also spoken in Montenegro and Serbia.
BrajbraBraj (also Brij Bhasha) is a Central Indian language closely related to Hindi.
BretonbrebrBreton (Brezhoneg) is a Celtic language spoken by some of the inhabitants of Brittany (Breizh/Bretagne) in France.
BuginesebugBuginese is spoken in the southern part of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
BulgarianbulbgBulgarian is a Slavic language, it is the national language of Bulgaria,
BuriatbuaBuriat are a Mongolic language group spoken by the Buryats in Buryat Republic, a federal subject of Russia, in northeast Mongolia, and in Hulun-Buyr District, Inner Mongolia, China.
Burmesebur/myamyBurmese (mjàmmà) is the official language of Myanmar.
CaddocadCaddo is an almost extinct Native American language (25 speakers), spoken by the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma.
CaribcarCarib is an Amerindian language, spoken by about 10 000 people in parts of Venezuela. Carib is also spoken in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname.
Castilian; SpanishspaesSpanish (Español), is one of the most-spoken languages by native speakers.
Catalan; ValenciancatcaCatalan (valencià) is the language used in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (Alicante, Valencia and Castellón) of Spain. The language is also known as Catalan (català) and is official language of Andorra.
CebuanocebCebuano is spoken in Central Visayas and some parts of Mindanao in the Philippines.
Celtic (Other)celThe code corresponds to Shelta, the secret language of Travellers (Pavees) in the British Isles and the US. The language is based largely on Irish, the language of Ireland.
Central American Indian (Other)caiCentral American Indian (other) refers to groups of indigenous languages spoken in Meso-America an area which covers southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize and parts of Honduras and El Salvador. There are three major linguistic stocks in Meso-America: Oto-Manguean, Mayan, and Aztec Tanoan languages.
ChagataichgChagatai is an extinct Turkic language which was once spoken in Chagatai Khanate in Central Asia.
Chamic languagescmcChamic languages are a group of Cham languages spoken by the Cham people of Southeast Asia, prevalent in Vietnam (100 000) and in Cambodia (220 000 speakers).
ChamorrochachChamorro (Chamoru) is the native language of the native Chamorro people of the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam.
ChechencheceChechen (Нохчийн мотт) is spoken by Chechen people (1.3 million spekers) mostly in the Chechen Republic, a federal subject of Russia.
CherokeechrCherokee (Tsalagi) is spoken by Native American people of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma and North Carolina, United States.
CheyennechyCheyenne (Tsėhesenėstsestotse) is a Native American language spoken by people of the Cheyenne Nation in the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana and in Oklahoma, United States.
ChibchachbChibcha (muyskkubun) an almost extinct language of the Muisca people of the central highlands of Colombia.
Chichewa; Chewa; NyanjanyanyNyanja (Chichewa) is the language of the Chewa people, it is widely spoken in south-central Africa and is the National language of Malawi.
Chinesechi/zhozhChinese (中文, Zhōngwén) can be considered as a language or a language family, it is originally the indigenous languages spoken by the Han Chinese in China. There are some main regional language groups of spoken Chinese of which the most spoken are Mandarin, Wú (Wú yǔ), Min (Mǐn yǔ; 70 million) and Cantonese (Yue; 70 million); all of them with their own dialects or varieties. Some of the regional languages are mutually unintelligible with other varieties of Chinese. Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) is the official language of the PR China.
Chinook jargonchnChinook jargon (also Chinuk Wawa) was originally an intra-indigenous contact language in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada.
ChipewyanchpChipewyan (Dene Suline) is spoken by the Native American Chipewyan people of central Canada.
ChoctawchoChoctaw is spoken by the Native American Choctaw people (about 9,200 speakers) of the southeastern United States.
ChuukesechkChuukese (Trukese) is a Trukic language spoken primarily on the islands of Chuuk in Micronesia.
ChuvashchvcvChuvash is a Turkic language spoken in central Russia, primarily in the Republic of Chuvashia and adjacent areas.
Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal BhasnwcClassical Newari, Old Newari
CopticcopCoptic or Coptic Egyptian is the final stage of the Egyptian language, a northern Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Egypt, extinct in the 17th century.
CornishcorkwCornish is a formerly extinct language which was revived in the 20th century spoken today by some 2 000 people in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom.
CorsicancoscoCorsican (Corsu) is the traditional language of the native people living on the island of Corsica (acquired by France in 1768) and northern Sardinia (Italy).
CreecrecrCree is spoken by approximately 117,000 indigenous Cree people, and is by far the most spoken aboriginal language in Canada.
CreekmusCreek (Mvskoke) is spoken by the Native American Muscogee (Creek) peoples in the United States.
Creoles and pidgins (Other)crpCreoles and pidgins are language constructs of two ore more languages resulting of an extended contact between communities (one usually European) with different languages. Examples are English-based Creoles, French-based Creoles
Creoles and pidgins,cpeEnglish-based Creoles (English creole) are creole languages based on British English, Irish- or Scottish language. Varieties of English-based Creole are spoken in Jamaica (Jamaican Patois), in Belize (Belizean Kriol), in Nicaragua (Miskito Coastal Creole), in the Bahamas (Bahamian Creole), in Anguilla (Anguillan Creole), in Antigua and Barbuda (Antiguan Creole), in Barbados (Bajan or Barbadian Creole), in Grenada (Grenadian Creole), in Guyana (Guyanese Creole), in Montserrat (Montserrat Creole), in Saint Kitts and Nevis (Saint Kitts Creole) in Trinidad and Tobago (Tobagonian and Trinidadian Creole), and in British Virgin Islands and the US Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands Creole). Creole varieties are also spoken in Cameroon (Cameroonian Pidgin English, 5% of pop.), in Liberia (Kreyol), Krio is spoken in Sierra Leone, in Nigeria (Nigerian Pidgin) and in Papua New Guinea (Tok Pisin).
English-based (Other)
Creoles and pidgins,cpfFrench-based Creoles are creole languages based on the French language. Varieties of French-based Creole are spoken in the Caribbean on Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Dominica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago. Other varieties are spoken in Mauritius, the Seychelles, the island of Réunion and in New Caledonia.
French-based (Other)
Creoles and pidgins,cppPortuguese-based Creoles are creole languages based on Portuguese language, Portuguese pidgins were used as a lingua franca in Asia and Africa until the 18th century,
Portuguese-based (Other)Portuguese-based Creoles have nearly all lexical content bases on Portuguese, while grammatically they are very different. Portuguese creoles are spoken in Guinea-Bissau (Guinea-Bissau Creole (Kriol)), in Cape Verde (Cape Verdean Creole (Kriolu, Kriol)), in parts of São Tomé and Príncipe, Papiamento is spoken on the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, in parts of Suriname (Saramaccan),
Crimean Tatar; Crimean TurkishcrhCrimean Tatar is the language of the Crimean Tatars who live predominantly in Crimea, an autonomous republic of Ukraine.
Croatianscr/hrvhrCroatian (Hrvatski) is the national language of Croatia, it is also an official language in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Montenegro.
Cushitic (Other)cusCushitic languages are a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken in Eastern Africa (Horn of Africa). Cushitic languages are Oromo, Somali, Sidamo, Hadia, and Kambata.
Czechcze/cescsCzech (čeština) is a West Slavic language, it is the official language of the Czech Republic. Czech is similar to and mutually intelligible with Slovak.
DakotadakDakota (Sioux) is a Siouan language, it is just one of forty-five languages or dialects spoken by the Native American Sioux tribes of Canada and the US.
DanishdandaDanish is one of the Scandinavian languages, it is the official language of Denmark.
DargwadarDargwa or Dargin language is a dialect continuum with three principal dialects, they are spoken by the Dargin people who live mainly in western Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
DayakdayDayak languages are a group of languages spoken by the indigenous Dayak people of Borneo, Western Kalimantan, Indonesia.
DelawaredelThe Delaware languages is a nearly extinct language family once spoken by the Lenape people of Southern Ontario (Munsee language), Canada. Unami was formerly spoken in northeastern and west central Oklahoma, northern New Jersey, and lower Delaware Valley, in the US
DinkadinDinka (thuongjang) is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Dinka (Mounyjieng), a group of tribes of south Sudan.
DivehidivdvDhivehi (or Divehi) is spoken in the Republic of Maldives.
DogridoiDogri is spoken by the Dogras, an ethnic group in South Asia, they live predominantly in Jammu but also in adjoining regions of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Northeastern Pakistan.
DogribdgrDogrib is the language of the Native American Tli Cho pepole living in the Northwest Territories (NWT) of Canada.
Dravidian (Other)draDravidian is a family of languages spoken mainly in southern India and northeastern Sri Lanka.
DualaduaDuala is the language spoken by the Duala people of coastal Cameroon.
Dutch; Flemishdut/nldnlDutch is the national language of the Netherlands. Flemish, the variety of Dutch (not Vlaams) spoken in Belgium is only slightly different from the variety spoken in the Netherlands.
Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)dumMiddle Dutch (Middelnederlands) was once spoken in the Netherlands and Belgium.
DzongkhadzodzDzongkha is the language that is spoken in Bhutan.
EfikefiEfik (a dialect of the Ibibio language) is spoken by the Efik people in Akwa Ibom State and Cross River State in the south of Nigeria.
Egyptian (Ancient)egyAncient Egyptian was the language of ancient Egypt, it is one of the oldest recorded languages (3000 BC - 300 BC.)
EkajukekaEkajuk (Akajo) is spoken in the Cross River State and some surrounding regions of southeastern Nigeria.
ElamiteelxElamite is an extinct language, it was an official language of the Persian Empire from the 6th to the 4th centuries BC.
EnglishengenEnglish, a West Germanic language is the first language for about 309–400 million people.
English, Middle (1100-1500)enmMiddle English is is the ancestor of Modern English. The term refers to the diverse forms of the English language spoken between the 12th and the 15th century, The language developed on the base of Chancery Standard, a written form of English used by government bureaucracy.
English, Old (ca.450-1100)angOld English (Englisc) is an early form of the English language that was spoken and written in parts of what are now England and south-eastern Scotland
ErzyamyvErzya is spoken in the northern and eastern and north-western parts of the Republic of Mordovia and adjacent regions.
EsperantoepoeoEsperanto is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world, created by: L. L. Zamenhof (1887).
EstonianestetEstonian (eesti keel), a Finno-Ugrian language, is the language spoken in Estonia.
EweeweeeEwe is a Niger-Congo language spoken in Ghana, Togo and Benin.
EwondoewoEwondo is spoken by the Ewondo people of Cameroon.
FangfanFang is the language spoken by the Fang people in northern Gabon, southern Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
FantifatFante (or Fanti) is a Twi language and is the common language for communicating between the several Kingdoms of the Fante in southern Ghana, though each has its own language.
FaroesefaofoFaroese (føroyskt) is a Scandinavian language spoken on the Faroe Islands.
FijianfijfjFijian is an Austronesian language spoken in Fiji.
Filipino; PilipinofilFilipino (Pilipino) is the national language of the Philippines. Pilipino is the de facto standardized version of Tagalog.
FinnishfinfiFinnish (suomi) is the language spoken in Finland.
Finno-Ugrian (Other)fiuFinno-Ugrian or Finno-Ugric is a group of languages in the Uralic language family, comprising Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian and related languages.
Flemish; Dutchdut/nldnlDutch is the national language of the Netherlands. Flemish, the variety of Dutch (not Vlaams) spoken in Belgium is only slightly different from the variety spoken in the Netherlands.
FonfonFon is spoken mainly in Benin and in parts of Togo.
Frenchfre/frafrFrench (français), a Romance language - a descendant of the Latin language, is the language spoken in France and is officilal language in 28 other countries.
French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)frmMiddle French (le moyen français) is the ancestor of Modern French. French language became the official language of the Kingdom of France (1539).
FrisianfryfyWestern Frisian is spoken mainly in Friesland (Fryslân), a province in the north of the Netherlands.
FriulianfurFriulian is a language of northeast Italy in Friuli region and adjacent areas.
FulahfulffFula is a language of West Africa, spoken by the Fulani people (Fula; Fulɓe) in Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Cameroon and Sudan.
Gaelic; Scottish GaelicglagdThe Gaelic language of Scotland (Scottish Highland) .
GalleganglgglGallegan (Galician) is spoken in northwest Spain in the Autonomous Region of Galicia. Also spoken in Portugal.
GandaluglgGanda (also: Luganda) is a language of southeast Uganda, spoken by the Baganda people of Buganda region situated south of Lake Kyoga, to the west of Lake Victoria and to the Tanzania border.
GayogayGayo is spoken in the mountain region of north Sumatra around Takengon, Genteng, and Lokon, Indonesia.
GbayagbaGbaya languages are spoken mainly in the Central African Republic.
Georgiangeo/katkaGeorgian is the official language of Georgia.
Germanger/deudeGerman (Deutsch) refers mostly to Standard German (German: Hochdeutsch) the standard variety of the German language used as a written and spoken language. German or its modern dialects is spoken in Germany, Liechtenstein, and in parts of Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
German, Low; Saxon, Low; Low German; Low SaxonndsWest Low German, (also known as Low Saxon) is a group of Low German dialects spoken in the Northwest German states (Bundesländer) of Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia (the Westphalian part), Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt (western areas), in the northeast of the Netherlands and by a minority in the southernmost part of Denmark.
German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)gmhMiddle High German (Mittelhochdeutsch) refers to the general linguistic usage of the German language in the period between 1050 and 1500. Middle High German was a cluster of dialects which were the ancestors of Modern German, spoken in Germany, and parts of Switzerland, and Austria.
German, Old High (ca.750-1050)gohOld High German (Althochdeutsch) refers to the earliest group of West Germanic languages or dialects, which were spoken in southern Germany (south of the city of Duesseldorf), parts of Austria and Switzerland, and in Southern Bohemia.
Germanic (Other)gemGermanic languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family. Germanic languages are English, Dutch, and German, and the North Germanic languages including Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, and Faroese.
Gikuyu; KikuyukikkiGikuyu (Kikuyu) is spoken primarily by the Kikuyu people, the largest ethnic group in Kenya.
GilbertesegilGilbertese is spoken on the island of Kiribati.
GondigonGondi is spoken by the Gondi people the largest tribe of central India.
GorontalogorGorontalo is spoken inthe Gorontalo area of northwestern Sulawesi, Indonesia.
GothicgotGothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths, an East Germanic tribe.
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)grcAncient Greek in its various dialects was the language of the Archaic and Classical periods of the ancient Greek civilization.
Greek, Modern (1453-)gre/ellelModern Greek (Ελληνικά) is the official language of Greece and of the Republic of Cyprus.
Greenlandic; KalaallisutkalklGreenlandic is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken by most people in Greenland. Western Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) is the official language of Greenland.
GujaratigujguGujarati is official language in the Gujarat state of India, it is also spoken in the Indian Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
Gwich’ingwiGwich’in is an Athabaskan language spoken by indigenous Gwich’in people in Canada and the United States.
HaidahaiHaida (Xaat Kíl) is an endangered language, only spoken by some 3 or 4 dozen indigenous Haida people of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) Canada, and on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska.
Haitian Creole; HaitianhathtHaitian Creole (kreyòl ayisyen) is spoken in Haiti by about 7 million people.
HausahauhaHausa is spoken by the the Hausa people, who live in Niger and in the north of Nigeria
HawaiianhawHawaiian, an Austronesian language, is along with English official language of the US State of Hawaii.
HebrewhebheHebrew (עִבְרִית, ‘Ivrit), Modern Hebrew, based on Classical Hebrew, the holy language of the Torah, is is the official language in Israel.
HereroherhzHerero (Otjiherero) is spoken by Herero people in Namibia (113,000) and parts of Botswana.
HiligaynonhilHiligaynon (Ilonggo) is spoken in Western Visayas, one of the regions of the Philippines.
HindihinhiHindi a dialect cluster of languages, spoken in northern and central India.
Hiri MotuhmohoHiri Motu is an official language of Papua New Guinea.
HittitehitHittite or Nesili is the extinct language once spoken by the Hittites in the late Bronze Age.
HmonghmnHmong is a group of dialects spoken by the Hmong people (Mong) of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi in southern China, northern Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.
HungarianhunhuHungarian (magyar nyelv) is the official language of Hungary.
HupahupHupa is an Athabaskan language (of Na-Dené stock) spoken in the Trinity valley in California by the Native American Hupa people (Natinixwe).
IbanibaIban is spoken by the Iban, who live on the island of Borneo, in the Sarawak state of Malaysia, in the Kalimantan Barat province (West Kalimantan) of Indonesia, and in Brunei.
Icelandicice/islisIcelandic (íslenska) is the official language of Iceland.
IdoidoioIdo is a constructed language created by a group of reformist Esperanto speakers in 1907.
IgboiboigIgbo (Igbo: Asụsụ Igbo) is a language spoken by the Igbo in Nigeria (20-25 million people), especially in the southeastern region known as Biafra and parts of the southern region of Nigeria.
IjoijoIjo is a language cluster within Kwa (a Niger-Congo language) and is spoken by the Ijaw people in Bendel and Rivers states of Nigeria.
IlokoiloIloko (Ilocano) is the third most-spoken language of the Philippines.
Inari SamismnInari Sámi (anarâškielâ) is a Sami language spoken by some 300-400 people, the majority of whom are middle-aged or older and live in the municipality of Inari in in Finnish Lapland, Finland.
Indic (Other)incIndic, the Indo-Aryan languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family.
Indo-European (Other)ineThe Indo-European is a language family of several hundred related languages and dialects — 449 according to the SIL estimate (2005). Subdivisions of the Indo-European languages are: Albanian, Anatolian, Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Italic, and Tocharian.
IndonesianindidIndonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the national language of Indonesia.
IngushinhIngush (ГІалгІай Ğalğaj) is spoken by the indigenous Ingush in Ingushetia and Chechnya, both republics of Russia.
Interlingua (InternationalinaiaInterlingua is an international auxiliary language (IAL), developed between 1937 and 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA)
Auxiliary Language Association)
InterlingueileieInterlingue (Occidental) is a constructed language created by Edgar de Wahl, published in 1922.
InuktitutikuiuInuktitut is an Inuit language spoken by Inuits in northern Canada
InupiaqipkikInupiaq is a group of dialects of the Inuit language, spoken in northern and northwestern Alaska.
IrishglegaIrish (Gaeilge), also known as Irish Gaelic is the language spoken in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (UK)
Irish, Middle (900-1200)mgaMiddle Irish is the form of Irish used from the 10th to 12th centuries.
Irish, Old (to 900)sgaOld Irish is the oldest form of the Irish language spoken in Ireland and Scotland, a still older form of Irish is known as Primitive Irish.
Iroquoian languagesiroIroquoian languages are a Native American language family includes Mohawk, Huron-Wyandot and Cherokee.
ItalianitaitItalian (italiano) is the official language of Italy, it is also one of four official languages of Switzerland. Italian is official language of San Marino, and primary language of the Vatican City State.
JapanesejpnjaJapanese (日本語, Nihongo) is the official language of Japan.
JavanesejavjvJavanese is spoken in the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, in Indonesia.
Judeo-ArabicjrbJudeo-Arabic are Arabic dialects spoken by Jewish communities in the Arab world.
Judeo-PersianjprJudeo-Persian (Judæo-Persian or Jidi)
KabardiankbdKabardian is spoken mainly in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, both republics of Russia.
KabylekabKabyle (Taqbaylit) is a Berber language spoken by the Kabyle people of northeastern Algeria.
KachinkacKachin (Jingpho) is spoken in the Kachin state of northern Myanmar and also in adjacent parts of Yingjiang District of PR China.
Kalaallisut; GreenlandickalklKalaallisut; Greenlandic is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken by most people in Greenland.
KalmykxalKalmyk is spoken by the Kalmyk people in the autonomous Republic of Kalmykia, Russia.
KambakamKamba (Kikamba) is a Bantu language spoken by the Akamba people of Kenya.
KannadakanknKannada is spoken by the Kannadigas, it is the official and administrative language of the Indian state of Karnataka.
KanurikaukrKanuri is spoken mainly in lowlands of the Lake Chad basin comprising parts of Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria.
Karachay-BalkarkrcKarachay-Balkar is spoken by the Karachays and Balkars in the north Caucasus, Russia.
Kara-KalpakkaaKara-Kalpak is spoken by Karakalpaks in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic of Uzbekistan.
KarenkarKaren languages are spoken by the Karen people in Myanmar (primarily in Karen State) and western Thailand.
KashmirikasksKashmiri is an official language of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and is spoken primarily in the Kashmir Valley and in parts of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
KashubiancsbKashubian language has evolved from the language spoken by Kashubians, some early Slavic tribes who settled in the region of Pomerania, today part of Poland and Germany.
KawikawKawi (Bhāṣa Kawi) is the ancestor language of modern Javanese spoken on Java, Indonesia. Other names; Old Javanese.
KazakhkazkkKazakh, a Turkic language, is the official language of Kazakhstan (10 m), spoken also in China Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
KhasikhaKhasi is an Austro-Asiatic language, official regional language of Meghalaya state in India.
KhmerkhmkmCentral Khmer; Alternate names: Khmer, Cambodian; spoken throughout Cambodia (12 m) also spoken in Viet Nam (1 m)
Khoisan (Other)khiKhoisan (Other) are the indigenous languages of the Kalahari Desert in southern and eastern Africa, spoken in southern Africa by the Khoi and Bushmen (Saan), in east Africa by the Sandawe and Hadza peoples. The languages are famous for their clicks.
KhotanesekhoKhotanese is a language once spoken (10th century A.D.) in the Buddhist Kingdom of Khotan that was located in the area which is today Xinjiang province in China north of Tibet (TAR).
Kikuyu; GikuyukikkiKikuyu (Gikuyu) is spoken primarily by the Kikuyu people, the largest ethnic group in Kenya.
KimbundukmbKimbundu is one of the most widely spoken languages in Angola, especially in the north-west of the country.
KinyarwandakinrwKinyarwanda is a Bantu language spoken primarily in Rwanda.
KirghizkirkyKirghiz is a Turkic language spoken in Kyrgyzstan, it is the official language of the country, together with Russian,
Klingon; tlhIngan-HoltlhKlingon (tlhIngan Hol in Klingon) is the artificial language spoken by Klingons, a warrior race in the fictional Star Trek universe. The language was created by Marc Okrand, an American linguist.
KomikomkvKomi is a Finno-Permic language spoken by the Komi peoples in the northeastern European part of Russia.
KongokonkgKongo (Kikongo) is a Bantu language spoken by the Bakongo and Bandundu people living in the tropical forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo and Angola.
KonkanikokKonkani are two individual languages, Konkani and Goan Konkani spoken by the Konkani people of Konkan a section of the western coastline of India in Maharashtra state.
KoreankorkoKorean is the language of the Korean peninsula, today divided in North Korea and South Korea.
KosraeankosKosraean is spoken on the Micronesian island of Kosrae part of the Federated States of Micronesia.
KpellekpeKpelle is a language family of very closely related languages (macrolanguage) of the Mande language family spoken in Guinea and Liberia.
KriokriKrio is the lingua franca language spoken throughout Sierra Leone by 97% of the population.
KumykkumKumyk is a Turkic language, spoken by the Kumyks, inhabitants of the Kumyk plateau in north Dagestan, a republic of the Russian Federation.
KurdishkurkuKurdish is the language spoken by Kurds, who live in the southeastern part of Turkey, in northern Iraq and northwestern Iran.
KurukhkruKurukh is spoken by the Kurukh people, a native Indian tribe (Ādivāsīs) inhabiting the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal and parts of northern Bangladesh.
KutenaikutThe Kutenai language is nearly extinct, it is the language of the Native American Kootenai people inhabiting south-eastern British Columbia (Canada) and the adjacent portions of Montana and Idaho (USA).
Kwanyama, KuanyamakuakjKwanyama (Oshiwambo) is a standardized dialect of the Oshiwambo language, it is a national language of Angola and Namibia.
LadinoladLadino (Judeo Spanish) is a Jewish language derived from Old Spanish, it is influenced by Hebrew and Aramaic, but also Arabic, Turkish and to a lesser extent Greek. Spoken by about 100,000 in Israel.
LahndalahLahnda, also known as Western Panjabi is a dialect of the Punjabi language spoken in the historical Punjab region (now divided between Pakistan and India).
LambalamLamba is the language of the Lamba people of Zambia, Lamba is also spoken in parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
LaolaoloLao is the official language of Lao PDR, and also spoken in the northeast of Thailand (Isan).
LatinlatlaLatin (lingua Latīna) historically spoken in Ancient Rome. Through the Roman conquest, Latin spread throughout the Mediterranean and a large part of Europe. Latin was the international language of science and scholarship in central and western Europe until the 17th century.
LatvianlavlvLatvian (latviešu valoda) is the official state language of Latvia.
Limburgan; Limburger; LimburgishlimliLimburgish, is a language of Franconian varieties, spoken in the Limburg and Rhineland regions, near the common Dutch / Belgian / German border.
LingalalinlnLingala is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) and in a large part of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville).
LojbanjboLojban is a logically engineered human language based on predicate logic.
Low German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, LowndsWest Low German, (also known as Low Saxon) is a group of Low German dialects spoken in the Northwest German states (Bundesländer) of Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia (the Westphalian part), Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt (western areas), in the northeast of the Netherlands and by a minority in the southernmost part of Denmark.
Lower SorbiandsbLower Sorbian is a Slavic minority language spoken in eastern Germany in the historical province of Lower Lusatia, today part of Brandenburg.
LozilozLozi (Silozi) is spoken by the Lozi people, primarily in southwestern Zambia and in neighboring countries.
Luba-KatangalubluLuba-Katanga (Kiluba) is a language spoken mostly in the south-east area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Luba-LulualuaLuba-Lulua (Tshiluba) is a Bantu language, it is one of the four national languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
LuisenoluiLuiseno is a nearly extinct language (total speakers: 30–40) spoken by the Luiseño people, Native Amercan Indians in southern California.
Lule SamismjLule Sami is a Sami language spoken by about 1500 people along the Lule River in Gällivare and Jokkmokk in northern Sweden. about 500 speakers in the province of Nordland in Norway.
LundalunLunda is spoken in the northern part of Zambia, as well as in parts of Angola and, to a lesser extent, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
LushailusLushai, (Mizo) language is spoken by the Mizos in the Indian state of Mizoram, the language is known as the Lushai Hills District till 1954.
Luxembourgish; LetzeburgeschltzlbLuxembourgish is a West Central German dialect of High German spoken in Luxembourg.
Macedonianmac/mkdmkMacedonian is the official language of the Republic of Macedonia.
MaduresemadMadurese is the language of the Madurese people from Madura Island, Indonesia.
MagahimagMagahi is a language spoken in the Indian state of Bihar.
MaithilimaiMaithili is a language spoken in the eastern part of India, mainly in the Indian state of Bihar and in the eastern Terai region of Nepal.
MakasarmakMakasar is both a language and a writing system used by the ethnic Makassar in South Sulawesi island (Celebes) in Indonesia.
MalagasymlgmgMalagasy is the national language of Madagascar.
Malaymay/msamsMalay (Bahasa Melayu) is spoken by the Malay peoples who predominantly inhabit the Malay Peninsula, the east coast of Sumatra, and the coast of Borneo. Malay is official language in: Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and East Timor.
MalayalammalmlMalayalam is predominantly spoken in the Indian state of Kerala, in southern India.
MaltesemltmtMaltese (Malti) is the national language of Malta.
MandarmdrMandar is spoken on South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
ManipurimniManipuri (Meitei) is the predominant language and lingua franca in the southeastern Himalayan state of Manipur, and is also spoken in the Indian states of Assam and Tripura and some parts of Bangladesh,
Manobo languagesmnoManobo languages are a language family spoken in the Southern Philippines.
ManxglvgvManx, also known as Manx Gaelic, is spoken on the Isle of Man, a self-governing Crown Dependency of the UK.
Maorimao/mrimiMaori, (te reo Māori, te reo) is the language of the Māori peoples of Aotearoa (New Zealand) where it is an official language.
MarathimarmrMarathi is the official language of the Indian state of Maharashtra. The language is spoken by the Marathi people of western India.
MarichmMari is spoken primarily by the Mari people in the Mari Republic of the Russian Federation.
MarshallesemahmhMarshallese is a Polynesian language of the Marshall Islands. There are two major dialects: Rälik (western) and Ratak (eastern). Also spoken in Nauru.
MarwarimwrMarwari is dialect of Hindustani and is spoken in the Indian state of Rajasthan, but is also found in the neighboring state of Gujarat and in Eastern Pakistan.
MasaimasMasai (Maa), the Maasai language is spoken in Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania by the semi-nomadic Maasai people.
Mayan languagesmynMayan languages are a language family spoken by various indigenous Maya peoples in Mesoamerica and northern Central America, primarily in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize.
MendemenMende (Mɛnde yia) is spoken by the Mende people and by other ethnic groups as a regional lingua franca, Mende is a major language of Sierra Leone.
MinangkabauminMinangkabau (Bahasa Minangkabau) is the language of the Minangkabau-people of West Sumatra, Indonesia.
MirandesemwlMirandese language is sparsely spoken in a small area of northeastern Portugal.
MohawkmohMohawk is the language spoken by the Native American Mohawk nation in the United States and Canada.
MokshamdfMoksha is a language spoken by the people in the western part of the Russian province of Mordovia.
MoldavianmolmoMoldavian is the official language of the Republic of Moldova, the language is identical to Romanian.
Mon-Khmer (Other)mkhThe code referes to 144 languages of the Mon-Khmer language family, descendants of the languages spoken in the Dvaravati and Angkor empires of Southeast Asia.
MongololMongo is spoken by the Mongo people of the southern part of Équateur province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
MongolianmonmnMongolian is the officiall language of Mongolia, Mongolian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet.
MossimosThe Mòoré language is spoken by the Mossi people, the largest ethnic group in Burkina Faso. The language is closely related and mutually intelligible with the Dagbani language spoken in northern Ghana.
Multiple languagesmul
Munda languagesmunThe Munda languages are a language family spoken by about nine million people in central and eastern India and Bangladesh.
NahuatlnahNahuatl referes to a group of languages and dialects of the Nahua people, descendants of the Aztecs, who live in Central Mexico.
NaurunaunaNauru ((dorerin Naoero)) is a language spoken on the Micronesian island of Nauru.
Navajo; NavahonavnvNavajo is spoken by the Navajo people (Diné), a Native American Nation of the southwest United States.
Ndebele, NorthndendThe Northern Ndebele language is a Nguni language spoken in Zimbabwe.
Ndebele, SouthnblnrThe Southern Ndebele language, is also a Nguni language (Sotho-Tswana) it is spoken in South Africa.
NdongandongNdonga is a Bantu language spoken in Namibia and southern Angola.
NeapolitannapNeapolitan (Napoletano-Calabrese) is the language of the city of Naples and in parts of the Campania and Calabria provinces of Italy.
Nepal Bhasa; NewarinewNepal Bhasa, also known as Newari is one of the oldest written languages of Nepal spoken mainly by the Newars, inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley.
NepalinepneNepali (not to be confused with Nepal Bhasa) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Nepal, Bhutan, and some parts of India and Myanmar (Burma), it is the lingua-franca of Nepal.
NiasniaNias is spoken on Nias and Batu islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia..
Nilo-Saharan (Other)ssaThe Nilo-Saharan languages are a hypothetical group of African languages spoken mainly in the upper parts of the Chari and Nile rivers (hence the term "Nilo-"), including historic Nubia
NiueanniuNiuean is a Polynesian language spoken on the island nation of Niue. The language is closely related to Tongan.
NogainogNogai (Nogai Tatar) is a Turkic language spoken in the Caucasus region of southwestern Russia.
Norse, OldnonOld Norse is the North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and inhabitants of their overseas settlements during the Viking Age, until about 1300. Modern Scandinavian languages are the linguistic descendant of Old Norse.
North American Indian (Other)naiThe term referes to all Indigenous languages of the Americas, spoken by First Nation peoples from the southern tip of South America to Alaska and Greenland.
Northern SamismeseNorthern Sami is the most widely spoken language of the Sami people of the northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland as well as northwestern parts of Russia.
Northern Sotho; Pedi; SepedinsoSesotho (Southern Sotho) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa and in Lesotho
North NdebelendendNorthern Ndebele (isiNdebele) language is spoken by the Ndebele or Matabele people of Zimbabwe.
NorwegiannornoThe language of Norway. There are two official forms of written Norwegian – Bokmål (literally "book language") and Nynorsk (literally "new Norwegian").
Nubian languagesnubNubian languages referes to the Nubian language group still spoken in southern Egypt and in the Sudan.
NyamwezinymNyamwezi (Kinyamwezi) is the language spoken by the Nyamwezi in northwest central Tanzania, they are the second-largest of over 120 ethnic groups in the country.
Nyanja; Chichewa; ChewanyanyNyanja (Chichewa) is the language of the Chewa people, it is widely spoken in south-central Africa and is the National language of Malawi.
NyankolenynNyankole (Nyankore) is the language of the Nyankore people, the third largest of 43 ethnic groups living in Uganda.
Nynorsk, Norwegian; Norwegian NynorsknnonnNynorsk (literally "New Norwegian") is one of the two official languages of Norway, the other being Bokmål.
NyoronyoNyoro (Runyoro) language of the Nyoro people of west-central Uganda.
Occitan (post 1500); ProvençalociocAn extinct language of Southern France. The ancestor of modern Occitanian
OjibwaojiojOjibwa (Chippewa, Ojibwe) is the language of the Amerindian Ojibwa tribes, inhabitants of the of the Great Lakes and the northern Great Plains. Canada and USA
Old Newari; Classical Newari; Classical Nepal BhasnwcThe early form of the Newari language a Tibeto-Burman language, mother tongue of the Newars, the earliest settlers of the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal.
Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; ChurchucuOld Church Slavonic, also known as Old Bulgarian, was the first literary Slavic language used in the 9th century for the translation of the Bible and other ancient texts.
OriyaoriorOriya is an Indian language, mainly spoken in the Indian state of Orissa.
OromoormomOromo a Cushitic language is spoken by the Oromo people of Ethiopia and Kenya.
OsageosaOsage is the language of the Osage Nation an Indian tribe in the United States, which is mainly based in Osage County, Oklahoma.
Ossetic; OssetianossosOssetic is an East Iranian language spoken in Ossetia wich is ocated partly in Russia and Georgia.
Otomian languagesotoOtomian languages refers to the Oto-Manguean group of 11 Amerindian languages spoken in Mexico.
PahlavipalPahlavi or Pahlevi denotes a particular and exclusively written form of various Middle Iranian languages.
PalauanpauPalauan is spoken in the Micronesian island Republic of Palau,
PaliplipiPali is a literary and liturgical language of India, there are no native speakers, it is best known as the language of the earliest extant Buddhist scriptures and the language of Theravada Buddhism. (
PampangapamPampanga (Kapampangan) is one of the major languages of the Philippines spoken by the people in Pampanga province.
PangasinanpagPangasinan is spoken by more than 1.5 million Pangasinan people, it is one of the twelve major languages in the Philippines.
Panjabi; PunjabipanpaPunjabi is spoken by inhabitants of the historical Punjab region (today parts of India and Pakistan)
PapiamentopapPapiamento (or Papiamentu) is a creole language spoken on the Caribbean island of Aruba, and in the Netherlands Antilles on the islands of Bonaire, and Curaçao.
Papuan (Other)paaPapuan
Pedi; Sepedi; Northern SothonsoSesotho (Southern Sotho) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa and in Lesotho
Persianper/fasfaPersian (Farsi) is spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan and has official-language status in all three countries.
Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)peoOld Persian was spoken in Ancient Iran, sources of the language appears primarily in inscriptions, clay tablets, and seals of the Achaemenid era.
PhoenicianphnPhoenician is a Semitic language originally spoken in Phoenicia (Canaan) the coastal region in Ancient Egypt (1200 BC – 333 BC).
Pilipino; FilipinofilPilipino (Filipino) is the national language of the Philippines. Pilipino is the de facto standardized version of Tagalog.
PohnpeianponPohnpeian is a Micronesian language, it is spoken on the island of Pohnpei and the Caroline Islands of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)).
PolishpolplPolish is the official language of Poland.
Prakrit languagespraHistoric languages of Ancient India, the linguistic precursor of Sanskrit.
Provençal, Old (to 1500)proAn extinct language of Southern France. The ancestor of modern Occitanian
Punjabi; PanjabipanpaPunjabi is spoken by inhabitants of the historical Punjab region (today parts of India and Pakistan)
PushtopuspsPushto, also known as Afghani, is spoken primarily in Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan.
QuechuaquequQuechua is a Native American language spoken in various regional forms in parts of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile. Quechua is official language in Bolivia and Peru.
Raeto-RomancerohrmRaeto-Romance, also Romansh is one of the four official languages of Switzerland.
RajasthanirajRajasthani is spoken in Rajasthan and other states of India and in some adjacent areas of Pakistan.
RapanuirapThe Rapa Nui is spoken by the inhabitants of Easter Island, the Rapanui.
RarotonganrarRarotongan is the Maori language of the Cook Islands.
Romance (Other)roaRomance (Romanic languages) comprises all the languages that descend from Latin.
Romanianrum/ronroRomanian is primarily spoken in Romania and Moldova, In written Romanian the Latin alphabet is used with five additional letters.
RomanyromRomany is the language of the Romani people, a Gypsies group of eastern Europe.
RundirunrnRundi (Kirundi) is a Bantu language spoken by some 6 million people in Burundi and adjacent parts of Tanzania and Congo-Kinshasa,
RussianrusruRussian is the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages, and the native language in the Russian Federation.
Salishan languagessalThe Salishan language family consists of twenty-three languages spoken in the Pacific Northwest (the Canadian province of British Columbia and the American states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana).
Samaritan AramaicsamSamaritan Aramaic was the language of the Samaritans who inhabited the Levant. Samaritan Aramaic ceased to be a spoken language some time between the 10th and the 12th centuries.
Sami languages (Other)smiSami languages are the general name for a group of Uralic languages spoken by the Sami people of the Sápmi area in parts of northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and extreme northwestern Russia.
SamoansmosmSamoan (Sāmoan) is a Polynesian language, it is the traditional language of Samoa and American Samoa. There are approximately 900 000 Samoan speakers worldwide, 70% of whom live in the Samoan Islands.
SandawesadSandawe is spoken by about 40 000 Sandawe people in the Dodoma region of Tanzania.
SangosagsgSango is the primary language spoken in the Central African Republic.
SanskritsansaSanskrit is a historical Indo-Aryan language, one of the liturgical languages of Hinduism and Buddhism, and one of the 22 official languages of India.
SantalisatSantali is spoken by the Santali, a Scheduled Tribe in India.
SardiniansrdscSardinian (Sardu) is, after Italian, the main language spoken on the island of Sardinia, Italy.
Saxon, Low; German, Low; Low Saxon; Low GermanndsAlso Low German (de.: Plattdeutsch) spoken mainly in northern Germany and the eastern part of the Netherlands.
ScotsscoTheLowland Anglic language of Scotland.
Scottish Gaelic; GaelicglagdThe Gaelic language of Scotland (Scottish Highland) .
SelkupselSelkup is spoken by about 1,500 Selkup people in the region between the Ob and Yenisei Rivers (in Siberia, Russia)
Semitic (Other)semSemitic languages are a group of languages,most spoken semitic languages are Arabic, Amharic, Tigrinya, and Hebrew.
Sepedi; Northern Sotho; PedinsoSesotho (Southern Sotho) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa and in Lesotho
Serbianscc/srpsrSerbian is spoken in the countries of former Yugoslavia mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro (64%), and Croatia.
SerersrrGroup of languages spoken by the Serer people in West Africa, mainly in Central Senegal.
ShanshnShan is spoken in the Shan State in Northeast Myanmar and in adjacent regions of China, Laos and Thailand. Shan is related to the Thai language.
ShonasnasnShona (chiShona) is the native language of the Shona people of Zimbabwe and southern Zambia.
Sichuan YiiiiiiSichuan Yi is spoken by the Yi people (Nuosu; eng.: Lolo) one of the most numerous minority nationalities in China.
SicilianscnSicilian is spoken on the island of Sicily, and in parts of southern Italy.
SidamosidSidamo is spoken in parts of southern Ethiopia.
Sign languagessgnSign languages are the communication language of the Deaf community, they are representations of meanings in a gestural-visual form.
SiksikablaSiksika or Blackfoot are Algonquian languages spoken by the Blackfoot tribes of Native Americans.
SindhisndsdSindhi is the language of the Sindhis of the Sindh region, a province of Pakistan. is official language in Pakistan and India.
Sinhalese; SinhalasinsiSinhala is the native language of the Sinhalese, the largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka, where it is one of two official languages, the other is Tamil.
Sino-Tibetan (Other)sitNot clear classified language family composed of Chinese and the Tibeto-Burman languages.
Siouan languagessioSiouan languages are a Native American language family spoken amongst others by the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people of the Great Sioux Nation.
Skolt SamismsSkolt Sami is one of the official Sami languages in Finland, but only spoken by approximately 400 speakers.
Slave (Athapascan)denSlave also Slavey is spoken among the Slavey First Nations of Canada in the Northwest Territories.
Slavic (Other)slaSlovenian is the official language in: Slovenia.
Slovakslo/slkskSlovak is spoken in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia).
SlovenianslvslSlovenian (Slovene) is the national language of Slovenia.
SogdiansogExtinct language spoken in Sogdiana, an ancient civilization centered around Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
SomalisomsoSomali is spoken by ethnic Somalis in Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen and Kenya
SonghaisonSonghai is widely used as a lingua franca on the middle stretches of the Niger River in the west African nations of Mali, Niger, and Benin.
SoninkesnkSoninke is a Mande language spoken by the Soninke people of West Africa, primarily in Mali.
Sorbian languageswenSorbian languages are the native languages of the Sorbs, a Slavic minority in eastern Germany.
Sotho, Northern; Pedi; SepedinsoSesotho sa Leboa is one of the official languages of South Africa spoken in the South African provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo Province and Mpumalanga..
Sotho, SouthernsotstSesotho (Southern Sotho) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa and in Lesotho
South American Indian (Other)saiIndigenous languages of the Americas
Southern SamismaSouthern Sami is a seriously endangered language. There are approximately 2000 people considered ethnically Southern Sami in Norway and Sweden, but only approximately 500 of them can fluently speak the language.
South NdebelenblnrThe Southern Ndebele language (isiNdebele) is spoken by the Ndebele people (amaNdebele) of South Africa.
Spanish; CastilianspaesSpanish (Español), is one of the most-spoken languages by native speakers.
SukumasukSukuma is a Bantu language spoken by the Sukuma people of northern Tanzania.
SumeriansuxSumerian was the language of ancient Sumer of the Tigris-Euphrates river region.
SundanesesunsuSundanese (Basa Sunda) is spoken by about 27 million people from the western third of Java, Indonesia.
SusususSusu is one of the national languages of Guinea and spoken mainly in the coastal region of the country, also Also spoken in parts of Guinea-Bissau, and Sierra Leone.
SwahiliswaswSwahili (Kiswahili) the first language of the Swahili people, it is one of the working language of the African Union, and official language of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda,
SwatisswssSwati (siSwati) is a Bantu language spoken in Swaziland and South Africa.
SwedishswesvSwedish (svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken by more than ten million people, predominantly in Sweden and parts of Finland,
SyriacsyrThe individual languages within this macrolanguage are:Assyrian Neo-Aramaic [aii] and Chaldean Neo-Aramaic [cld].
TagalogtgltlTagalog is one of the major languages used in the Philippines, widely used as a lingua franca throughout the country.
TahitiantahtyTahitian is one of the languages spoken in French Polynesia (along with French and other Polynesian languages).
Tai (Other)taiTai languages are a subgroup of the Tai-Kadai language family, including Thai, the national language of Thailand, Lao or Laotian, national language of Laos, the Shan language in Myanmar, and Zhuang, a major language of southern China.
TajiktgktgTajikis is official language in Tajikistan, it is a modern variety of the Persian language (Farsi) and spoken in Central Asia.
TamashektmhTamashek is a Berber language spoken by the nomadic Tuareg (Kel Tamasheq), in many parts of Mali, Niger, Algeria, Libya and Burkina Faso
TamiltamtaTamil is one of the four "classical languages" of India, spoken predominantly by Tamil people. It has official status in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore.
TatartatttTatar is the language of the ethnic group of theTatars, who mainly inhabiting Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan.
TelugutelteTelugu or Telugu bhasha is one of the four "classical languages" of India, mostly spoken in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, where it is the official language..
TerenoterTereno also Terêna is spoken in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in 20 villages and 2 cities.
TetumtetTetum is the national language and one of the two official languages of East Timor.
ThaithathThai is the national language of Thailand, also spoken in Northern Malaysia, in parts of Cambodia, parts of Myanmar, and in Laos.
Tibetantib/bodboTibetan is official language in Tibet Autonomous Region of China.
TigretigTigre also known as Xasa is spoken by about 800 000 people in Eritrea, also spoken in parts of Sudan.
TigrinyatirtiTigrinya is one of the two official languages of Eritrea, and in also spoken in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.
TimnetemTimne is spoken by about 1 million people in Central Sierra Leone.
TivtivThe Tiv language also known as Munshi
TlingittliEndangered language spoken by the Tlingit people of Southeast Alaska (USA) and Western Canada, with fewer than 140 native speakers
Tok PisintpiTok Pisin is an English-based creole language spoken throughout Papua New Guinea.
TokelautklAustronesian language, is spoken by some 1,700 people on the atolls of Tokelau (Polynesia) and by the few inhabitants of Swains Island in neighbouring American Samoa.
Tonga (Nyasa)togTonga is spoken by around 170,000 in the north of Malawi.
Tonga (Tongan; Tonga Islands)tontoTongan is an Austronesian language spoken in Tonga.
TsimshiantsiTsimshian is spoken by ethnic Tsimshian people in northwestern British Columbia, (Canada) and and the southernmost corner of Alaska (USA).
TsongatsotsTsonga or Xitsonga is spoken in southern Africa by the Tsonga people, inhabiting the southern coastal plain of Mozambique, parts of Zimbabwe and Swaziland, and the South African provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.
TswanatsntnTswana (Setswana), is a Bantu language. It is the national language of Botswana, the majority of Setswana speakers are actually in South Africa.
TumbukatumTumbuka is a a Bantu language spoken in parts of Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania.
Tupi languagestupThe language family of Tupi or Tupian comprises about 70 languages spoken in South America, best known of this lingua franca are Tupi proper and Guarani which is one of the official languages of Paraguay and Bolivia.
TurkishturtrPredominantly spoken in Turkey. Turkish has about 60 million speakers, with many enclaves in the Balkans and Cyprus, Since 1928 the language is written in a phonetic variant of the Latin alphabet.
Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)otaThe Ottoman Turkish language is variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language in Turkey and all the countries where the Ottoman Empire has expanded. Ottoman Turkish was written in a version of the Perso-Arabic alphabet.
TurkmentuktkThe national language of Turkmenistan. It is spoken in parts of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Turkey.
TuvalutvlTuvaluan language is spoken on the Polynesian island of Tuvalu formerly known as Ellice Islands.
TuviniantyvTuvan also known as Tuvinian, Tyvan, or Tuvin, is spoken by around 200 000 people in the Russian Republic of Tuva in south-central Siberia.
TwitwitwTwi is a language predominantly spoken in the Ashanti Region of Ghana by about 15 million people.
UdmurtudmUdmurt is spoken by the Udmurts, natives of Udmurtia, a constituent republic of the Russian Federation, where it is co-official with the Russian language.
UgariticugaThe Ugaritic language, discovered by French archaeologists in 1928, is known only in the form of writings found in the lost city of Ugarit, near the modern village of Ras Shamra, Syria.
Uighur; UyghuruigugUyghur is spoken by the Uyghur population in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,a Central Asian region administered by China. Uyghur is also spoken by 300 000 people in Kazakhstan.
UkrainianukrukThe official language of Ukraine
UmbunduumbUmbundu is a language spoken by the Ovimbundu people in the central highlands of Angola. It is the most widespread Bantu language in Angola.
Upper SorbianhsbUpper Sorbian is a minority language spoken in Germany in the historical province of Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz), which is today part of Saxony.
UrduurdurUrdu is the official language of Pakistan and is partly-spoken in India (it is one of 23 official languages of India).
Uyghur; UighuruigugUyghur is spoken by the Uyghur population in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,a Central Asian region administered by China. Uyghur is also spoken by 300 000 people in Kazakhstan.
UzbekuzbuzUzbek is a Turkic language and the official language of Uzbekistan.
VaivaiA Mande language. The majority of its speakers live in Liberia. Vai is also spoken in Sierra Leone.
Valencian; CatalancatcaValencian (valencià) is the language used in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (Alicante, Valencia and Castellón) of Spain. The language is also known as Catalan (català) and is official language of Andorra.
VendavenveVenda also known as Tshivenḓa, or Luvenḓa is an official language in South Africa. There are also speakers in Zimbabwe.
VietnamesevieviThe national and official language of Vietnam.
VolapükvolvoVolapük (worldlanguage) is an artificial language, proposed in 1879 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a German Catholic priest.
VoticvotVotic is spoken by the Votes of Ingria (Region south of Finland in Russia). It is closely related to Estonian.
Wakashan languageswakFamily of languages spoken in British Columbia and on Vancouver Island (Canada), and in the northwestern corner of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state (USA)
WalamowalWalamo also Wolaytta is an Omotic language spoken in the Wolaytta Region, Lake Abaya area of Ethiopia.
WalloonwlnwaRomance language spoken as a second language by some in Wallonia, Belgium.
WaraywarSpoken in the provinces of Samar, Northern Samar, Eastern Samar, Leyte (eastern portion), and Biliran in the Philippines.
WashowasEndangered Native American language isolate spoken by the Washo on the California–Nevada border especially around Lake Tahoe (USA).
Welshwel/cymcyLanguage spoken natively in Wales (Cymru), and in England by some along the Welsh border.
WolofwolwoWolof is the native language of the Wolof people, most spoken in Senegal, but also in The Gambia, and Mauritania.
XhosaxhoxhXhosa is one of the Bantu languages and is an official language of South Africa. Xhosa is spoken by approximately 7.9 million people.
YakutsahSakha, or Yakut, is a Turkic language with around 460,000 speakers spoken in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation.
YaoyaoSpoken by Yao (Mien) people in China Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar.
YapeseyapOne of theAustronesian languages, spoken by about 6600 people on the island of Yap (Federated States of Micronesia).
YiddishyidyiA non-territorial High German language of Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world. Unlike other such languages, Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet as opposed to a Latin alphabet.
YorubayoryoLanguage of the Yoruba people, it is spoken, among other languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.
Yupik languagesypkEskimo-Aleut languages spoken by several Yupik peoples of western and southcentral Alaska (USA) and northeastern Siberia (Russia).
ZandezndZande language is spoken by the Azande, primarily in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and southwestern Sudan, but also in the eastern part of the Central African Republic.
ZenagazenBerber language spoken by some 200 to 300 people (Ethnologue estimate, 1998) between Mederdra and the Atlantic coast in southwestern Mauritania.
ZuluzulzuLanguage of the Zulu people with about 10 million speakers, the vast majority (over 95%) of whom live in South Africa.
ZunizunLanguage of the Zuni people, indigenous to western New Mexico and eastern Arizona in the United States.


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